What really belief is?
Belief has been a very strong phenomenon for human beings. You would find yourself or people around you emotionally charged, when it comes to one's belief. If you look into the meaning in the dictionary, you would come across a very interesting definition. When I searched on the google, it said, "an acceptance that something exists or is true, especially one without proof". Wow!! I don't know if that thing caught your eye, mine did for sure for the part which says, "especially one without proof". This tells me how one can prove science or physics wrong against any darn belief. There is no proof required to what you say is true or if something exists in reality. It reminds of the song, "I believe I can fly". I mean try jumping off the roof if you believe you can fly. (it was just to add pun, please don't try to do so.)
So, what's the point am I making here? Simple. Belief only exists in your thought process. It does not exist really out here in the physical world. So there are two problems in believing something. First, there is no responsibility that comes along with the belief. Nobody can question your belief, because it is your belief. Belief has no basis other than your logics or some conclusions and that is the reason people get so aggressive to protect their beliefs. Secondly, you take belief as a reality. You forget that you created a belief. You have so much used the belief, that now the belief is using you, to the extend that it has become some reality as if it existed even before your existence. Now, there could be some of you reading this, may get charged up even right now, because it might be against your belief. If you have, please take a moment to look again, where this belief came from? Was there any microchip fitted in your head when you were born or you came with a pre-programmed belief system? Not really, right? You added some set of beliefs over time in your life under certain circumstances or situations.
Another thing that might come up right now for you is, is it wrong to have beliefs? No, absolutely not. If you a human being, you would have beliefs. What you need to consider here is not to see this from the context of right or wrong, rather, from the viewpoint that there are certain aspects of life that your belief may limit you in terms of your power in taking certain actions that would give you desired results. You may not have freedom to be with yourself and with people around you. It might rob you to be fully self expressed in things you want to do or say. You peace of mind may get completely missing.
Till this point, you may be just reading this blog. If you are interested to make this a real deal for yourself, I would suggest you to turn this into an exercise for yourself. It is your choice though. You may just read this to complete your 10000 words for today or you can take lot of value from this blog. If you are doing this exercise, take a pen and a notebook. Write down the areas of your life like, relationships with you family, community, religion, profession, your body, fitness and diet, vacation, so on and so forth. Write down those areas that are important to you. Against that area, write down a belief about yourself, about others or a belief in general that may be limiting you to take an action which you wish to take but you are not taking it right now. Now write down what is that action you want to take that may give you amazing results that you always wanted. Now write down, what will you get when you achieve that result for yourself. If you have reached to a point where you have written something like happiness, peace of mind, satisfaction, joy, fulfilment or something in this domain, then you have completed the exercise. Congratulations!! You have created a new possibility for yourself which was not possible before.
Now the question comes is how do we achieve the desired results and make this new possibility real? If you go back to the blog in the second paragraph, I said there is no responsibility that comes along with the belief. What did I mean by that is, that, when you created this belief, you did not own this up that you created this. There is no belief out here in the world. When you take the responsibility of, that you only created that belief, the belief starts to look as just a belief and not as an embossed realilty. It starts to loosen up its grip on you. Now everytime, this belief appears for you now, you can keep it aside as a belief. Gradually, the belief will disappear. Try that out. It will work. Now there is an open space available for you to create a new belief that would give you new actions and new results that you always wanted.